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IBSC Online Admission Form 2024


This is an Online Application Form which is originated from the IBSC form 2 for Furthering Education in International Buddhist Studies College (IBSC), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University.

Noted :

     1. It’s would be best if you submit your CV and check your English qualification to meet the English language requirement.

     2. You are guaranteed that the qualification and details stated in this application form are all truth; and if the university proves later that I am lack of any qualification, I am pleased to comply with every rule and regulation of the university in the relevant part.

     3. Please fill in your details below.

     Please upload your documents in the last session of the form

          - Official Photo (size 1.5 inches) 
          - Passport(for foreigner) / ID card(for Thai)
          - Transcript & Certificate 
          - Medical certificate

          - House Registration (For Thai)
          - Monk’s identification card(for Thai)
          - English language Requirement (Except Certi. MM. ) 
          - CV / Resume (For MA & PhD)
          - Certificate of Dhamma Studies 
          - Certificate of Personal Name Change




Middle-Name or Buddhist Name

(If doesn't have please leave it blank)

Last Name

Phone Number


Educational level

Name of the Institute

Year of graduated


My Dhamma Qualifications

English Qualification

Apply For :

Personal Information

Passport number (Foreigner)/ID Card Number (Thai)

(Passport) Date of issue

(Passport) Date of expiry


(kg. )

Blood Type


(cm. )

Date of Birth

Place of Birth





Date of Ordination

(laypeople please skip this )


(laypeople please skip this )


Number of sibling

Number of sibling whom still study



Name of the Temple

(laypeople please skip this section)

Name of the Abbot

(laypeople please skip this section)

House No. / Street / Road

Village / Town / City

State / Province / District

Postal/Zip Code



Father's name

Mother's name

Parent's marriage status

Referent person's name

House No. / Street / Road

Village / Town / City

State / Province / District

Postal/Zip Code

Phone No.








(Background blue screen only)

Please upload your documents 

Please upload your documents in the last session of the form and rename the file as your name follows with the type of the documents:
- Official Photo (size 1.5 inches)
- Passport(for foreigner) / ID card(for Thai)
- Transcript & Certificate
- Medical certificate
- House Registration (For Thai)
- Monk’s identification card(for Thai)
- English language Requirement (Except Certi. MM. ) 
- CV / Resume (For MA & PhD)
- Certificate of Dhamma Studies
- Certificate of Personal Name Change

Please translate the Transcript and the Certificate of Graduation into English and attach with the original files (certified by the Legitimate Translation Institute).


Certificate of Dhamma Studies Copy both side (For Thai People)

( .pdf )

Upload File

Certificate of Personal Name Change

( .pdf )

Upload File

Official Photo

( .jpg )

Upload File

Passport (For foreigner) 
ID Card (For Thai)

( .jpg )

Upload File


( .pdf )

Upload File

Certificate of Graduation

( .pdf )

Upload File

Medical certificate

( .jpg )

Upload File

House Registration

(For Thai People)

( .pdf )

Upload File

Monk's Identification Card

(For Thai Monk)

( .pdf )

Upload File

English language Requirement

(.pdf )

Upload File

CV / Resume 

( .pdf / .doc )

Upload File
Application fee

Master of Arts in Innovative Mindfulness and Peace Studies (International program) :

Application fee 500 Thai Baht (THB)/

15 United States Dollars (USD)

Transfer Receipt

( .jpg )

Upload File

Thanks for submitting!

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